Thursday, August 21, 2014


Wow. It's been some time since I have last blogged. That's what life does I guess. It happens and the next thing you know three months have flown by since the last time you posted.

There is so much that has changed, I am not even sure where to start... Doesn't it sort of feel like nothing ever changes though? I mean, like when you are actually going through things, it feels like nothing is changing and things you want to change just... aren't. But then you wake up and everything is different? Maybe that's just my perception.

I've blogged about change before and I've shared how much I hate it. That I just wish things would stay the same, but you know what? I've realized over the past six months, I have come to love change. Okay, maybe I shouldn't go as far as to say I love change, but I like it and quite a bit actually.

I realized that we as humans are constantly changing, evolving, becoming who we want to be, and why wouldn't we want that to happen? Sure, unexpected change, like my four-year-relationship-to-the-man- I-thought-I-would-marry-change, wasn't fun, but it lead me to where I am today, and where I am today is where I want to be. It led me to take the leap of faith that moving back to Phoenix is where I needed to be, which led me to meeting my best friend, getting a awesome job in my career field and finalllllyyyyyyy going to Grad School. (More on that soon!)

Without change, we stay stagnant. We don't evolve. We can't better ourselves. 
Change is needed. Change is important. Change is good.

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