Monday, March 2, 2015

Dear Current Me

Stop. Just stop. 

Stop thinking you're not beautiful just because you wear a bigger size than you use too. 

Stop jumping to conclusions that you aren't intelligent enough for grad school. You have all that evidence (super high A's for 6 months so far) that proves you are. 

Stop thinking you can't balance it all- sure it's a struggle and one area always gets the slack, but you're doing it.

Stop allowing others to affect your mood. They're not worth it.

Stop allowing simple minded guys who are afraid of all the passion and emotion you have to make you feel like you need to hide it. You don't.

Stop being too busy to take care of yourself.

Stop hating that you're such an emotional person. Sure, you cry at the most inconvenient times but it's because you are such a caring and thoughtful person.

Stop telling yourself you have to be perfect in everything. Your not, you won't be, you can't be and no one is. 

So just stop, breathe, give yourself credit and be nice to us.

Love always, 


image source: via google/